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Giorgia Pezzoli.  Arte.

Giorgia Pezzoli, desde pequeña ligada al arte,se expresa utilizando una variada gama de técnicas, materiales, texturas y objetos, que combina entre símbolos, textos y signos, en su obras. Dibujo, grabado, fotografía, pintura, técnica mixta, arcilla, poesía e instalaciones, son algunos de los territorios que transita para dar vida a sus creaciones.

Giorgia Pezzoli nace en Santiago de Chile en 1974.

Estudió en Chile y en Italia; Arte, Gestión Cultural y Arte Terapia.

Entre los lugares donde ha expuesto sus obras encontramos; Santiago, New York, Ajdovscina, Ferrara, Bologna, Trieste, Firenze, Venezia, Paris, Milan, Melbourne, Viena, Berlin, Londres y Roma.

Actualmente también trabaja como Arte Terapeuta.

El 2019 estuvo presente en: BAF Bergamo Arte Fiera, Montichiari Arte Fiera y Luxembourg Art Fair.  El 2020 y 2021 en: Los Angeles Art Show, Architectural Digest Design Show y Art Expo New York, Monaco Yatch Show y SCOPE Miami.

El 2022, expuso en Anima Mundis. Visions International Art Fair,  It´s Liquid,  En Palazo Bembo, Venecia, Italia. 

El 2023 tiene exposiciones con PAKS Gallery en Viena y Heidenreichstein; Austria, y en Munich, Alemania. En Galeria Pinna expondrá en Premio Masters of Berlin, en Berlin, Alemania, y en el 8° Premio Bocca, en Libreria Bocca dal 1775, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II 12, Milan, Italia.  

Durante el 2024 participa en Expo Internacional ART3F Paris, en Rome International Art Fair  y en la Bienal Internacional de Artes de Basel, Suiza.


Giorgia Pezzoli, was involved with arts since she was a kid, she expresses with a wide range of tecniques, materials, textures and objects, that combine between symbols, texts and signs, in her artworks.  Drawings, engravings, photography, paintings, mix teqniques, clay, poetry, objects and installations, are some of the territories she transits to give birth to her creations.


Giorgia Pezzoli was born in Santiago Chile in 1974.  

She studied Arts, Culture Management and Art Therapy, in Chile and Italy.

Santiago, New York, Adjovscina, Ferrara, Bologna, Trieste, Florence, Venice, Paris, Milan, Melbourne, Viena, Berlin, London and New York, are some of the places where she has exhibit.

She works as an Art Therapist as well.

In 2019, she also paricipated in : BAF Bergamo Art Fair, Montichiari Art Fair and Luxembourg Art Fair.  During 2020 and 2021 in: Los Angeles Show, Architectural Digest Design Show, & Art Expo New York, Monaco Art Show and SCOPE Miami. 

In 2022, she exhibited in Anima Mundis, Visions International Art Fair,

It´s Liquid at Palazzo Bembo, Venice, Italy. 

During 2023, she will participate in exhibitions with PAKS Gallery in Viena and Heidenreichstein in Austria and in Munich in Germany.  In Galeria Pinna, she will exhibit in Premio Masters of Berlin, in Berlin, Germany, and in 8° Premio Bocca 2023, Libreria Bocca dal 1775, Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II 12, Milan, Italy. 

During 2024 she participates in the International Expo ART3F in Paris, in Rome International Art Fair and in the International Art Biennale in Basel, Switzerland.


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